️ xiaomi redmi note 8 pro color verde 8gb redmi note 8 con la gcam - descarga e instala - duration: 9:49 fer zavala 48,554 views 9:49 tu xiaomi hará mejores fotos con esta app!. Redmi note 8 con gcam. The redmi note 8 pro can capture pictures up to 64mp or reduce them to 16mp through pixel binning in order to have more detailed shots according to wyroczen, his gcam app is currently limited to.
redmi note 8 con gcam
¿te ha dejado de funcionar la gcam en el redmi note 8 pro
However a few days after the release of official gcam 73, the developer released the latest gcam 73 port/mod for everyone so, if you are the user of redmi note 8 pro and are looking to download gcam/google camera 73 apk for redmi note 8 pro then today you just landed on the right page. Google camera mod for redmi note 8: mgc_6.1.021_mi8_v2e.apk. cara instal gcam di redmi note 8. silakan anda download dulu file apk gcam redmi note 8 dari tautan yang disediakan di atas. berikut cara pasang google camera di xiaomi redmi note 8 terbaru tanpa root miui: tap file mgc_6.1.021_mi8_v2e.apk yang sudah diunduh..