How to download and update firmware psp custom firmware 6 60 pro b10 download digital photo cameras firmware : most of the camera s internal parts including lenses, autofocus, lcd screens etc. are controlled by microprocessors. microprocessors are controlled by firmware that enables the device to do the job it was purchased for.. When you search for files (video, music, software, documents etc), you will always find high-quality psp cfw 6.60 pro b10 files recently uploaded on downloadjoy or other most popular shared hosts. if search results are not what you looking for please give us feedback on where we can/or should improve.. Download signed 6.60 pro b10 (1.02mb) for psp. the file '660pro-b10.fix1.rar' can be downloaded instantly from our psp firmware related firmware related category..
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How to hack any psp (except vita) to a safe cfw known as 6.60 prob10. easy and if you fuck up it wont effect your psp the installation will just fail :) this is so you can follow any other. Update to ofw 6.60 download this ofw 660.pbp and change the name to eboot.pbp and place it in an update folder in ms0:/psp/game folder and run the installer from the xmb and then use the pro update to flash install cfw.. Psp cfw 6.60 pro-b10 you have to extract the cfw to your psp via usb then you'll find three files in the games section you select " update " and you are done . if you ran into problems you can click on fast recovery to fix..